Unleash the ⚡hidden power of ChatGPT ⚡ with our 30,500 ChatGPT Prompts Pack. Go from dabbler to master of ChatGPT, so you don’t fall behind the AI revolution and 10X your productivity. ✅150+ Category Covered ✅ Weekly Update ✅30,500+ not-so-obvious prompts
ChatGPT Function Calling ensures a predictable JSON-structured AI response, but defining this function object can be time-consuming. JSON To ChatGPT is a free tool that lets you convert your desired JSON response into the correctly shaped object instantly.
Simoto is a versatile productivity tool that is specifically designed to enhance the research experience. It offers a wide range of features, including personalized chatbots, the ability to ChatPDF, ChatCSV File Chatweb, ChatImage, long-form articles, AI summarizers, text-to-images, digital art, avatars, and image upscaling. By utilizing Simoto, researchers can streamline their workflow and access a variety of tools that will help to improve their research outcomes.
Almost fully AI-based language learning platform with focus on speech practice and creation of materials tailored to both user's interests and knowledge.
If you’re a student, you can use the AutoNote app to fully concentrate on the lecturer while all the class notes are being written and summarized to the extent you want. Plus, if you have any questions about the class, you can ask your notes.
Product design software born from a passion for design, made delightful with AI magic. Ideate, design, collaborate, prototype, handoff - all in one tool, all made easier and more joyful with AI.