Utilize Zapier-powered AI to automate the entire lead generation process, saving you time and effort.
Step-by-step guidance on how to build and train your own Custom GPT for personalized outreach.
Access advanced search techniques to find leads across multiple platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and more.
Receive three custom templates with detailed instructions for setting up Zapier automations.
Designed for ease of use, making it accessible even for those new to AI and automation.
Applicable to various industries including B2B sales, consulting, and SaaS, enhancing your outreach strategy.
Ema automates most mundane tasks so human employees can focus on more valuable work. She can take on any role - from customer service, data scientist, to more specialized roles such as a ‘pharmacist’s assistant’. She is simple to use, trusted and accurate.
🤔Imagine building your business as a solopreneur with AI - only AI! HexarAI is an all-in-one platform for it, equipped with 37 AI tools in 4 core areas: development, marketing, product management, and management. You can run and scale it up all by yourself 🎯
Katalist is an AI storytelling platform that allows anyone to create engaging visual stories. Enjoy complete control over camera angle, posture, and composition with no AI experience required. With automatic character, scene, and style consistency.
Hey folks, I have been working a week on this project to automate the whole process. I am planning to create a platform that can do this for general purpose, not only with Architectural concepts.