Run M9 Developer on your GPU enabled notebook or self-hosted web app to enhance productivity.
Scan and improve code quality with AI suggestions directly in the editor.
Automate task implementations from Jira tickets to streamline your development workflow.
Automatically generate comprehensive test cases for enhanced code reliability.
Leverage fine-tuned AI with your company's tribal knowledge for context-aware coding.
Choose between on-premises or Virtual Private Cloud installations for data privacy and security.
Unleash the power of artificial intelligence to craft unforgettable stories for any special moment with Fabler!
CrewHR’s Free Employee Scheduling AI automates the time it takes to create employee schedules and rosters. Say goodbye to the hassles of manual employee scheduling with our Free Employee Scheduling App!
PodBravo is a podcast automation tool for busy hosts. Produce transcripts, show notes, timestamps, titles, blogs, social posts, video clips, and more with just one click, easing your podcast production.
The Dungeons and Dragons Name Generator helps players create unique and fitting names for their characters, enhancing their D&D experience. Ideal for crafting names for warriors, rogues, and sorcerers, it’s perfect for both new and experienced players.
Welcome to PixelPerfect, where photo editing meets fun with a touch of AI magic. Perfect for anyone looking to add a spark to their images, our platform offers a variety of tools that transform ordinary photos into engaging, share-worthy content. is a cutting-edge app that fully automates the creation of faceless videos. Simply choose a topic, and our AI will generate and upload new videos to your Youtube, TikTok, Instagram, or Facebook account every day.